A review of energy efficiency label of street lighting systems

Energy Efficiency - Tập 10 - Trang 265-282 - 2016
Alberto Gutierrez-Escolar1, Ana Castillo-Martinez1, Jose M. Gomez-Pulido1, Jose-Maria Gutierrez-Martinez1, Esteban Patricio Dominguez González-Seco2, Zlatko Stapic3
1Department of Computer Sciences, Polytechnic School, University of Alcala, Road Madrid-Barcelona, Alcala de Henares, Spain
2Department of Construction, School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
3Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varazdin, Croatia

Tóm tắt

There are very few countries that have provisions addressing the energy efficiency of the whole street lighting system, such as Spain or the Netherlands. Nevertheless, there is not an agreement about how energy efficiency must be assessed. The Spanish Government contemplates it in the Royal Decree 1890/2008 with the goal of improving energy savings and efficiency. However, this has not obtained the expected results. Nowadays, energy efficiency of this kind of systems is assessed using a label. In the case of Spain, this label only assesses one magnitude. The contributions of this paper are two evaluation systems (kiviat diagram and pie chart) which assess five magnitudes: lamps, energy efficiency index, light pollution, renewable energy contribution, and harness of the luminous flux using dimming. After that, a survey was done to study several subjects: (1) if citizens are aware about the efficiency of street lighting systems, (2) whether the sample of colors used in the label is adequate, and (3) if our proposed systems could replace the current evaluation system. Finally, the paper finishes with the conclusions of the survey.

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