A review of cloud computing

Allerton Press - Tập 38 Số 4 - Trang 280-284 - 2011
E. B. Dudin, Yu. G. Smetanin

Tóm tắt

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

Cloud Computing Manifesto. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_Computing_Manifesto

Grebnev E. Where do Clouds Float? http://.www.cnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/04/26/438141-4

Demidov, M., Cloud Editors of Documents: What to Choice? http://www.cnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/07/13/447514

Riz, J., Oblachnye vychisleniya Cloud Application Architectures, (Cloud Calculations in Cloud Application Architectures), St. Petersburg: BKhV-Peterburg, 2011.

Grebnev, E., Clouds: From Old Technologies to Broad Perspectives. http://www.cnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/05/20/440918

Demidov, M., Middle and Small Business Should Go into Clouds. http://www.xnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/05/16/440279

Cloud Service of Apple iCloud Will Be Free of Charge. http://www.lenta.ru/news/2011/06/06/icloud/

iCloud. http://www.apple.com/ru/icloud/

Clouds Stumbled over the Law about Personal Data. http://www.cnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/06/01/442294

Vanoschuize, F., Future of Cloud Calculations Will Depend from Market Reaction. http://www.xnews.ru/reviews/index.shtml?2011/07/06/446637 ; http://telecomideas.ru/web/guest/3/-/view-content/651483