A parallel OPF approach for large-scale power systems

Y. Huang1, T. Kashiwagi2, S. Morozumi1
1Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Japan
2Mitsubishi Res. Inst., Inc., Japan

Tóm tắt

In this paper, the Newton-Krylov algorithm of power flow calculation is reviewed. A rectangular coordinate voltage formulation of nonlinear optimal power flow (OPF) is introduced and adopted into the unlimited point algorithm, and a Newton-Krylov algorithm similar to that of power flow calculation is proposed to solve the unlimited point transformed optimality conditions for the original OPF problem. After verifying the proposed algorithm with several power systems, shared-memory parallel implementation is carried out on a Sun Sparc 4PEs workstation. The observations of the parallel characteristics of the Newton-Krylov algorithm and its core part, Bi-CGSTAB, are made based upon the test results on both shared-memory and distributed-memory (including PC cluster) parallel computers.