A numerical study of the hole-tone phenomenon subjected to non-axisymmetric shape perturbations of the jet nozzle
Tóm tắt
This paper presents a numerical analysis of the hole-tone phenomenon (Rayleigh’s bird-call), based on a three-dimensional discrete vortex method. Evaluation of the sound generated by the self-sustained flow oscillations is based on the Powell–Howe theory of vortex sound and a boundary integral/element method. While the fundamental problem can be modeled well under the assumption of axial symmetry, the purpose of employing a full three-dimensional model is to investigate the influence of non-axisymmetric perturbations of the jet on the sound generation (with a view to flow control). Experimentally, such perturbations can be applied at the jet nozzle via piezoelectric or electro-mechanical actuators, placed circumferentially inside the nozzle at its exit. In the mathematical/numerical model, this is simulated by wave motions of a deformable nozzle. Both standing and traveling (rotating) waves are considered. It is shown that a considerable reduction of the sound generation is possible.
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