A novel next hop selection based secure routing for wireless ad hoc sensor networks
Tóm tắt
Growing digitization will establish a digital fabric all around us for anytime and anywhere access. This will revolutionize the way we communicate. Wireless networks like Ad hoc and Sensor networks, mesh networks and pico-net etc. will play a crucial role in such materialization. Internet of Things is one such revolution which derives its roots from Ad hoc and Sensor networks. A lot many issues related to privacy and security of the contents, resources and access will also appear on the horizon. Several typical characteristics of these networks like unattended operation, battery operated device, limited transmission range and storage limits the scope of full-fledged secure solutions in terms of routing and information dissemination. Through this proposal we establish a novel approach for selection of next-hop on the path from source to destination. The proposal is evaluated for performance through simulation. The results of the simulations establish the viability and effectiveness of the complete proposal.
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