A novel form analysis method considering pretension process for suspen-dome structures
Tóm tắt
Suspen-dome is a kind of new prestressed space grid structure which is formed by combing a single-layer reticulated shell and tensegrity system. For the existence of lower flexible cable-strut system, form analysis is crucial for the mechanical performance of suspen-domes. This paper develops a novel form analysis method considering the influence of pretension process for suspen-dome structures. Some definitions of form analysis for suspen-dome structures are first expounded. Then an iterative method is presented for form analysis, and a sequential analysis method is proposed for pretension process simulation. By combining these two methods, a form analysis method considering pretension process is constructed for suspen-dome structures. Two examples are employed to verify the proposed method. Numerical example results show that both the error of nodal coordinates and cable forces can stably converge to set tolerances. According to a scheduled pretension scheme, form analysis results can accurately achieve the expected initial state. Engineering example results show that without considering the influence of pretension process, the form analysis would be error and the final state after all cables tensioned deviates greatly from the expected initial state. However, this can be achieved accurately through the proposed method in this paper.
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