A new method to obtain chain codes from y-axis representation of a region in a binary image
Tóm tắt
Chain codes [Freeman 1974; Charavarty 1982; Kim, Lee and Kim 1988; Morrin 1976; Pavlidis 1978] and y-axis representation [Merrill 1973] are both commonly used representation of a region in a binary image. The y-axis representation is very efficient for some geometric applications [Chang and Leu 1990] and morphological operations [Ji, Piper and Tang 1989]. However, it is not efficient to compute the properties on the contour. In this paper, a new and simple algorithm other than Kim's [Kim, Lee and Kim 1988] to convert the y-axis representation to a sequence of chain codes is developed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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