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Các hình thức gần như trùng khớp của các mối quan hệ giữa mô men địa chấn
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Bolt B. A., 1978, The local magnitude ML of the Kern County earthquake of July 21, 1952, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 68, 513
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Hileman J. A. C. R.Allen J. M.Nordquist Seismicity of the southern California region 1 January 1932 to 31 December 1972 reportSeismol. Lab. Calif. Inst. of Technol. Pasadena 1973.
Lee W. H. K. R. E.Bennet K. L.Meahger A method of estimating magnitude of local earthquakes from signal duration open file reportU.S. Geol. Surv. Menlo Park Calif. 1972.
Kanamori H., 1975, Theoretical basis of some empirical relations in seismology, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 65, 1073
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Sieh K. E. A study of Holocene displacement history along the south‐central reach of the San Andreas fault Ph.D. thesis Stanford Univ. Stanford Calif. 1977.
Trifunac M. D., 1970, Complexity of energy release during the Imperial Valley, California, earthquake of 1940, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 60, 137
Yeh H.‐C. Mechanism of the 1927 Lompoc earthquake from surface wave analysis M.S. thesis Univ. of Wash. Seattle 1975.