A model based material removal simulation for vacuum suction blasting of composites
Tóm tắt
Automated scarfing of carbon reinforced plastic (CFRP) layers is on its way to support commercial aircraft repair. In the industry, still, the manual scarfing operation is the qualified method. However, automated techniques as milling, laser removal and water jet cutting are in development and showed already good results. Another promising method is vacuum suction blasting (VSB) that was until now in particular used for the roughening of surfaces before adhesive bonding. To find the right adjustment for the parameters many experiments would be necessary accordingly to different CFRP parts with changing layer thicknesses. Simulation is a way to avoid this and to predict the removal result and the settings for the machining parameters. The VSB model uses a pixel method dividing the simulated part surface into smaller volume elements. Experimental data of VSB static blasting spots are the basic for the source matrix. The simulation feeds the matrix with the blasted depth and removal volume for different blasting times. A shifting of columns of the source matrix in the blasting movement direction simulates the movement of the blasting nozzle on the work piece surface. With this, the model can also predict the nozzle feed to remove exactly one complete layer for each scarfing step. In addition, it visualizes the seamless overlapping distance between two blasted tracks. With further adjustments, the model will predict the dynamic removal for varying input parameters such as negative pressure and nozzle distance or blasting agent.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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