A cross-layer adaptive channel selection mechanism for IEEE 802.11P suite

Ali Boyacı1, Halim Zaim2, Coşkun Sönmez3
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey
2Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey
3Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Tóm tắt

Recent advances in the automotive industry enabled us to build fast, reliable, and comfortable vehicles with lots of safety features. Also, roads are designed and made safer than ever before. However, traffic accidents remain one of the major causes of death. Intelligent transport systems are expected to reduce if not prevent accidents with interconnected vehicles and infrastructures. These vehicular ad hoc networks are highly dynamic and fragile. Although the standardization efforts are mature enough, the non-emergency/service channel selection mechanisms are not explicitly defined. In this paper, a novel cross-layer prediction-based algorithm is proposed to select the best possible service channel to decrease collisions beforehand. Theoretical analysis regarding the mean squared error prediction performance is established. It is shown that the proposed method outperforms the general Markovian-based prediction schemes under various traffic load scenarios.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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