A computational method based on the generalized Lucas polynomials for fractional optimal control problems
Tóm tắt
Nonorthogonal polynomials have many useful properties like being used as a basis for spectral methods, being generated in an easy way, having exponential rates of convergence, having fewer terms and reducing computational errors in comparison with some others, and producing most important basic polynomials. In this regard, this paper deals with a new indirect numerical method to solve fractional optimal control problems based on the generalized Lucas polynomials. Through the way, the left and right Caputo fractional derivatives operational matrices for these polynomials are derived. Based on the Pontryagin maximum principle, the necessary optimality conditions for this problem reduce into a two-point boundary value problem. The main and efficient characteristic behind the proposed method is to convert the problem under consideration into a system of algebraic equations which reduces many computational costs and CPU time. To demonstrate the efficiency, applicability, and simplicity of the proposed method, several examples are solved, and the obtained results are compared with those obtained with other methods.
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