A compressed string matching algorithm for face recognition with partial occlusion
Tóm tắt
There has been less attention towards the research on face recognition with partial occlusion. Facial accessories such as masks, sunglasses, and caps, etc., cause partial occlusion which results in a significant performance drop of the face recognition system. In this paper, a novel compressed string matching algorithm based on run-length encoding (CSM-RL) is proposed to solve the partial occlusion problem. In this, the face image is represented by a string sequence that is then compressed using run-length encoding. The proposed CSM-RL algorithm performs string matching between query face and gallery face string sequences by computing the edit distance between string sequences, finally, classifies query face based on the minimum edit distance. The proposed method does not require a classifier and has less time complexity, thus it is more suitable for real-world face recognition applications. The proposed method performs better than the state-of-the-art methods even limited sample images per person are available in the gallery. Extensive experimental results on benchmark face datasets such as AR and Extended Yale-B prove that the proposed algorithm exhibits significant performance improvement both in terms of speed and recognition accuracy for the recognition of partially occluded faces.
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