A Zener–Stroh crack at the interface of a thin film bonded to a substrate
Tóm tắt
A Zener–Stroh crack can nucleate at the interface of a multi-layered structure when a dislocation pileup is stopped by the interface which works as an obstacle. During the entire fracture procedure of a crack, Zener–Stroh crack mechanism controls the initial stage, or the first phase of crack initiation and propagation. In our current research, stress investigation on a Zener–Stroh crack initiated at the interface of a thin film bonded to a half plane substrate has been carried out. With the application of dislocation-based fracture mechanics, the micro crack is simulated by the distributed dislocations along the crack line. To eliminate the contradictory oscillation phenomenon for the stress field near the interfacial crack tip, a contact zone behind the crack tip is introduced. The physical problem is thus formulated into a set of non-linear singular integral equations. Through careful examination of the crack singularities at the crack tips for different configurations, the formulated integral equations are solved with numerical methods developed in our research. The contact zone length, the stress fields near the crack tip and the stress intensity factors of the crack are evaluated accordingly. Numerical examples based on practical engineering structures are provided to discuss the influence of the key parameters, such as the thickness of the film, and the Dundurs constants, on the fracture behaviour of the crack.
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