A Study of Influence of Hall Effect in Semiconducting Spherical Shell with Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Photo-Thermoelastic Model

Iqbal Kaur1, Kulvinder Singh2
1Department of Mathematics, Government College for Girls Palwal, Kurukshetra, India
2UIET, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India

Tóm tắt

This research aims to study the photo-thermoelastic interactions in an infinite semiconducting spherical shell in the context of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson-Photo-Thermo elasticity theory. The spherical shell is influenced by a high magnetic field acting along its axis. The inner and outer boundary surface of the spherical shell is traction free and subjected to time-dependent heating. The numerical expressions for the components of displacement, temperature field, carrier density, and thermal stresses are obtained in the Laplace transform domain. The numerical inversion technique is used to obtain the solution in the physical domain. The impact of Hall current on the displacement, temperature, thermal stresses, and carrier density are represented graphically for silicon material using MATLAB software.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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