A Short Review of Wind Energy Progress in India
Tóm tắt
Wind energy being one of the cheapest and easily available sources of energy is very important to meet increasing demand for green energy in India. Wind energy is a clean, eco-friendly, renewable resource having better spread across the country compared to most of the conventional energy sources. This review covers recent developments in the field of wind energy in the country and highlights progress in the areas of wind installation, production, and consumption actively supported by policy formulations, design, and implementation of incentive schemes, and monitoring the effective implementation of the policy frameworks. Further, this paper reviews existing drivers and bottlenecks and identifies future drivers of wind growth in India. It is found that financing of wind projects remains as one of the most important challenges, and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is constantly trying to overcome the same. It is anticipated that future wind power developments will be largely driven by the formation of Renewable Energy Act, successful implementation of Offshore Wind Energy Policy, and low-cost financing.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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