A Review of Some Works in the Theory of Diskcyclic Operators
Tóm tắt
In this paper, we give a brief review concerning diskcyclic operators and then we provide some further characterizations of diskcyclic operators on separable Hilbert spaces. In particular, we show that if
$$x\in {\mathcal {H}}$$
has a disk orbit under
that is somewhere dense in
$${\mathcal {H}}$$
, then the disk orbit of
need not be everywhere dense in
$${\mathcal {H}}$$
. We also show that the inverse and the adjoint of a diskcyclic operator need not be diskcyclic. Moreover, we establish another diskcyclicity criterion and use it to find a necessary and sufficient condition for unilateral backward shifts that are diskcyclic operators. We show that a diskcyclic operator exists on a Hilbert space
$${\mathcal {H}}$$
over the field of complex numbers if and only if
$$\dim ({\mathcal {H}})=1$$
$$\dim ({\mathcal {H}})=\infty $$
. Finally, we give a sufficient condition for the somewhere density disk orbit to be everywhere dense.
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