A New Model to Estimate the Daily Air Temperature Using the Meteorological Parameters and Global Solar Radiation

Djamel Bensahal1, Ahmed Yousfi1
1Laboratory of Mechanics, Faculty of Technology, University of Laghouat, Laghouat, Algeria

Tóm tắt

The objective of the study is to establish a new correlation to estimate the daily air temperature using total solar radiation, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity. Multiple sites are used to test the efficiency of the proposed model. Statistical parameters were used to determine the accuracy in applying the model. Temperature is a physical quantity that manifests itself in the sensation of heat and cold in humans. It comes from the thermal transfer between two bodies that lead to an increasing thermal agitation of the particles that compose matter (molecules or atoms). This agitation causes a permanent vibration (kinetic energy). The propagation of light (solar radiation) in a medium (air) gives rise to the increase in energy. Temperature may be regarded as an indirect measurement of this microscopic agitation of atoms or molecules. The study of weather phenomena (meteorology) such as sunlight, clouds, wind speed and their evolution is in accordance with the measured parameters (pressure, temperature and humidity). The purpose of this study is to predict the evolution of weather with respect to these parameters using mathematical models. The daily air temperature value is the average value of all the instantaneous air temperatures of the day. The mean R2 values range from 0.655 to 0.782, giving good precision. The results showed that the model was more precise and performed reasonably well in various locations.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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