A Negotiation Protocol for Fine-Grained Accountable Resource Provisioning and Sharing in e-Science

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 471-490 - 2020
Zeqian Meng1, John Brooke2, Junyi Han1, Rizos Sakellariou1
1University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
2Freelance Consultant and Researcher, Manchester, UK

Tóm tắt

With the increasing demand for dynamic and customised resource provisioning for computational experiments in e-Science, solutions are required to mediate different participants’ varied demands for such resource provision. This paper presents a novel negotiation protocol based on a new collaboration model. The protocol allows e-Scientists, the manager of an e-Scientist’s collaboration, and resource providers to reach resource provisioning agreements. By considering the manager of an e-Scientist collaboration for negotiation decisions, the protocol enables fine-grained accountable resource provision on a per job basis for e-Scientist collaborations, without binding the e-Scientist collaboration to resource providers. A testbed built with the protocol is also presented, making use of a production e-Science gateway, use cases, and infrastructures. The testbed is experimentally evaluated, via designed scenarios and comparison with existing production tools. It demonstrates that the proposed negotiation protocol can facilitate accountable resource provision per job, based on resource sharing rules defined and managed by e-Scientist collaborations.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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