A Multisite Retrospective Review of Direct Oral Anticoagulants Compared to Warfarin in Adult Fontan Patients
Tóm tắt
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are not recommended in adult Fontan patients (Level of Evidence C). We hypothesized that DOACs are comparable to warfarin and do not increase thrombotic and embolic complications (TEs) or clinically significant bleeds. We reviewed the medical records of adult Fontan patients on DOACs or warfarin at three major medical centers. We identified 130 patients: 48 on DOACs and 107 on warfarin. In total, they were treated for 810 months on DOACs and 5637 months on warfarin. The incidence of TEs in patients on DOACs compared to those on warfarin was not increased in a statistically significant way (hazard ratio [HR] 1.7 and p value 0.431). Similarly, the incidence of nonmajor and major bleeds in patients on DOACs compared to those on warfarin was also not increased in a statistically significant way (HR for nonmajor bleeds in DOAC patients was 2.8 with a p value of 0.167 and the HR for major bleeds was 2.0 with a p value 0.267). In multivariate analysis, congestive heart failure (CHF) was a risk factor for TEs across both groups (odds ratio [OR] = 4.8, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.3–17.6) and bleed history was a risk factor for clinically significant bleeds (OR = 6.8, 95% CI = 2.7–17.2). In this small, retrospective multicenter study, the use of DOACs did not increase the risk of TEs or clinically significant bleeds compared to warfarin in a statistically significant way.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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