A Middle Permian calcisponge/algal/cement reef: Straža near bled, Slovenia
Tóm tắt
Siddle Permian reef limestones exposed at the localities of the Straza quarry, Straża Hill and Bohinjska Bela near Bled (northwestern Slovenia) have been studied with respect to microfacies and paleontological criteria. Allochthonous carbonates (limestone breccia represented by cement-rich litho/bioclastic rudstones; matrix-rich poorly sorted litho/bioclastic rud/floatstones; coarse-grained lithoclastic packstones) are present in far greater quantities than autochthonous carbonates (calcisponge boundstones andArchaeolithoporella/calcisponge boundstones with synsedimentary botryoidal carbonate cements; bioclastic crinoidal packstones) in the Straża quarry. Straza Hill is characterized by fine-arenitic bioclastic grainstones with foraminifera and algae. The biota of these limestones consist of calcareous algae (solenoporaceans, dasycladaceans, epimastoporids) and problematical algae (Archaeolithoporella, Tubiphytes), smaller foraminifera (about 30 species), fusulinid formminifera (withNeoachwagerina craticulifera and the first report of the subgenusMinojapanella (Wutuella) from Europe), calcisponges (sphinctozoans and inozoans, new species:Uvanella? telleri n. sp.), brachiopods (about 12 species also including fixosessile types such asLeptodus nobilis), bryozoans (predominantly Cystoporida and Rhabdomesonia) as well as mollusks (gastropods, pelecypods, rare ammonites), ostracods, rare trilobites, rare rugose corals and abundant crinoids (includingPalermocrinus togatus) and echinoids. Tube-like microfossils of various systematic position can be attributed to nine morphological types (Plate 42). The calcisponges described by Heritsch (1938) from Bohinjska Bela must be partially referred to crinoids according to a revision of the originals. The limestones breccia is characterized by a rather uniform composition (with regard to the microfacies of the lithoclasts), by equigranular lithoclasts (about 80% smaller than 10 mm, about 50% smaller than 5mm), by comparable sorting within different facies types and by a predominance of subangular and rounded lithoclasts with medium to high sphericity values. Interparticle voids within the litho/bioclastic rudstones as well as intraskeletal voids within the calcisponge/algal limestones are filled with botryoidal and radiaxial-fibrous cements differing from the granular cements of pelsparitic clasts. The Straža quarry and Straža Hill exhibit different depositional patterns (alloch-thonous sedimentation together with small areas of autochthonous calcisponge/algal frameworks in the Straża quarry and shallow-water platform carbonates in Straża Hill). The depositional sites of the allochthonous facies types can be compared neither with back-reef environments nor with fore-reef breccia. Both, litho/bioclastic rud- and floatstones and calcisponge/algal boundstones were affected by a contemporaneous synsedimentary cementation; growth and coalescence of botryoids together with algal colonization and the growth of calcisponges may have resulted in the formation of a mixed inorganic/organic buildup, corresponding with “calcisponge/algal/cement reefs”.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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