A Journey from Preschool to Primary School Literacy Process
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Trang 1-23 - 2023
Tóm tắt
Preschool teachers and primary school teachers must work in harmony and carry out consistent practices with each other in the process of teaching literacy. This study aims to determine the practices of preschool teachers in the literacy preparation process and the opinions of primary school teachers on the level of readiness of students from preschool education for the literacy process. In the study, the descriptive research method was used. The study group consisted of 21 primary schools and 27 preschool teachers working and volunteering in kindergarten and primary school institutions affiliated with the Directorate of National Education in Kastamonu province of Turkey. The study applied two separate interview forms to preschool and primary school teachers as a data collection tool. Results showed that preschool teachers have deficiencies in preschool education curriculum, early literacy studies, and primary school curricula. It was also revealed that preschool teachers carry out wrong practices, especially in helping students feel the sounds. As for the results of primary school teachers about the drawbacks of preschool education, it was determined that preschool teachers teach letters, and students who start the first grade have problems holding pencil. It was revealed that the expectations of primary school teachers from preschool teachers were focused on helping students feel and differentiate sounds instead of teaching letters and developing small muscle skills and pencil-holding skills. According to the research results, it was determined that preschool teachers do not collaborate with primary school teachers.
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