A Hybrid Crow Search and Grey Wolf Optimization Technique for Enhanced Medical Data Classification in Diabetes Diagnosis System

C. Mallika1, S. Selvamuthukumaran2
1Department of Master of Computer Applications, E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India
2Department of Computer Applications, A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai, India

Tóm tắt

Diabetes is an extremely serious hazard to global health and its incidence is increasing vividly. In this paper, we develop an effective system to diagnose diabetes disease using a hybrid optimization-based Support Vector Machine (SVM).The proposed hybrid optimization technique integrates a Crow Search algorithm (CSA) and Binary Grey Wolf Optimizer (BGWO) for exploiting the full potential of SVM in the diabetes diagnosis system. The effectiveness of our proposed hybrid optimization-based SVM (hereafter called CS-BGWO-SVM) approach is carefully studied on the real-world databases such as UCIPima Indian standard dataset and the diabetes type dataset from the Data World repository. To evaluate the CS-BGWO-SVM technique, its performance is related to several state-of-the-arts approaches using SVM with respect to predictive accuracy, Intersection Over-Union (IoU), specificity, sensitivity, and the area under receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC). The outcomes of empirical analysis illustrate that CS-BGWO-SVM can be considered as a more efficient approach with outstanding classification accuracy. Furthermore, we perform the Wilcoxon statistical test to decide whether the proposed cohesive CS-BGWO-SVM approach offers a substantial enhancement in terms of performance measures or not. Consequently, we can conclude that CS-BGWO-SVM is the better diabetes diagnostic model as compared to modern diagnosis methods previously reported in the literature.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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