A Chemical Potential Probe to Determine the Solubility of Hydrogen in Metals: An Example with Copper

J. L. Corrigall1, C. St Louis1, C. E. Coleman1, G. A. McRae1
1Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Tóm tắt

A probe has been developed to determine the solubility of hydrogen in metals. The method is based on mass balance and high-pressure hydrogen produced in situ partitioning between a zirconium probe and the metal. As an example, the solubility of hydrogen in copper, SH in Cu, has been determined between 350 and 450 °C: $$ S_{\text{H\,in\,Cu}} = (1000 \pm 200)\exp \left( { - \frac{43000 \pm 1300}{RT}} \right){\text{ [mol H}}_{2} /{\text{m}}^{3} \sqrt {\text{MPa}} ]. $$ This solubility agrees with permeation and diffusivity measurements spanning 10 and 6 orders of magnitude, respectively.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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