A 2D topology optimisation algorithm in NURBS framework with geometric constraints
Tóm tắt
In this paper, the solid isotropic material with penalisation (SIMP) method for topology optimisation of 2D problems is reformulated in the non-uniform rational BSpline (NURBS) framework. This choice implies several advantages, such as the definition of an implicit filter zone and the possibility for the designer to get a geometric entity at the end of the optimisation process. Therefore, important facilities are provided in CAD postprocessing phases in order to retrieve a consistent and well connected final topology. The effect of the main NURBS parameters (degrees, control points, weights and knot-vector components) on the final optimum topology is investigated. Classic geometric constraints, as the minimum and maximum member size, have been integrated and reformulated according to the NURBS formalism. Furthermore, a new constraint on the local curvature radius has been developed thanks to the NURBS formalism and properties. The effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed method are tested and proven through some benchmarks taken from literature and the results are compared with those provided by the classical SIMP approach.
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