Extra benefit of microalgae in raw piggery wastewater treatment: pathogen reduction

Sang‐Ah Lee1, Minsik Kim1, Hee-Sik Kim1, Chi‐Yong Ahn1
1Cell Factory Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea

Tóm tắt

Abstract Background

Monitoring microbial communities especially focused on pathogens in newly developed wastewater treatment systems is recommended for public health. Thus, we investigated the microbial community shift in a pilot-scale microalgal treatment system for piggery wastewater.


Microalgae showed reasonable removal efficiencies for COD and ammonia, resulting in higher transparency of the final effluent. Metagenome and microbial diversity analyses showed that heterotrophic microalgal cultivation barely changed the bacterial community; however, the mixotrophic microalgal cultivation induced a sudden change. In addition, an evaluation of risk groups (RGs) of bacteria showed that raw piggery wastewater included abundant pathogens, and the microalgal treatment of the raw piggery wastewater decreased the RG2 pathogens by 63%. However, co-cultivation of microalgae and the most dominant RG2 pathogen, Oligella, showed no direct effects between them.


Thus, a microbial interaction network was constructed to elucidate algae-bacteria interrelationships, and the decrease in Oligella was indirectly connected with microalgal growth via Brevundimonas, Sphingopyxis, and Stenotrophomonas. In a validation test, 3 among 4 connecting bacterial strains exhibited inhibition zones against Oligella. Therefore, we showed that microalgal wastewater treatment causes a decrease in RG2 bacteria, which is an indirect impact of microalgae associated with bacteria.

Graphical Abstract

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