Induction, resuscitation and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses of viable but nonculturable Vibrio vulnificus in artificial sea water
Tóm tắt
Vibrio vulnificus, an important food-borne pathogen, is known to enter viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state under low temperature and low nutrition stress conditions. Present study examined the time required for induction of VBNC state and temperature which induces resuscitation of V. vulnificus YJ016. The change in cell morphology and gene expression during VBNC state and in resuscitated cells was also examined. V. vulnificus incubated in artificial sea water at 4 °C entered VBNC state after considerably extended time (70 days). An increase in temperature by 6 °C from the VBNC induction temperature (4 °C) resulted in resuscitation of VBNC cells; however, maximum resuscitation was observed when VBNC cells were held at 23 °C for 24 h. VBNC cells changed their morphology from comma shape to coccoid shape. Two rounds of induction of VBNC and resuscitation were possible with V. vulnificus cells; however, there was progressive reduction in number of resuscitated cells and after 190 days cells failed to resuscitate. Significant up-regulation of genes related to membrane proteins [porinH (10.4-fold), ompU (2.9-fold)], regulatory proteins [envZ (5.6-fold), toxR (4.5-fold), toxS (4.8-fold)], oxidative stress related protein katG (2.3-fold), cell division/maintenance proteins [ftsZ (4.3), mreB (6.5-fold)] and resuscitating promoter factor yeaZ (fourfold) was observed during resuscitation with respect to VBNC state indicating that these genes play a role during resuscitation. Gene expression data presented here would enhance our understanding of resuscitation of V. vulnificus from VBNC state. The results also highlight the importance of maintenance of low temperature during storage of seafood.
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