Sentinel lymph node biopsy in staging small (up to 15 mm) breast carcinomas. Results from a European multi-institutional study
Tóm tắt
Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has become the preferred method for the nodal staging of early breast cancer, but controversy exists regarding its universal use and consequences in small tumors. 2929 cases of breast carcinomas not larger than 15 mm and staged with SLN biopsy with or without axillary dissection were collected from the authors′ institutions. The pathology of the SLNs included multilevel hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Cytokeratin immunohistochemistry (IHC) was commonly used for cases negative with HE staining. Variables influencing SLN involvement and non-SLN involvement were studied with logistic regression. Factors that influenced SLN involvement included tumor size, multifocality, grade and age. Small tumors up to 4 mm (including in situ and microinvasive carcinomas) seem to have SLN involvement in less than 10%. Non-SLN metastases were associated with tumor grade, the ratio of involved SLNs and SLN involvement type. Isolated tumor cells were not likely to be associated with further nodal load, whereas micrometastases had some subsets with low risk of non-SLN involvement and subsets with higher proportion of further nodal spread. In situ and microinvasive carcinomas have a very low risk of SLN involvement, therefore, these tumors might not need SLN biopsy for staging, and this may be the approach used for very small invasive carcinomas. If an SLN is involved, isolated tumor cells are rarely if ever associated with non-SLN metastases, and subsets of micrometastatic SLN involvement may be approached similarly. With macrometastases the risk of non-SLN involvement increases, and further axillary treatment should be generally indicated.
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