Exopolysaccharide of Nostoc muscorum (Cyanobacteria) in the aggregation of soil particles
Tóm tắt
The effects on a saline-sodic soil of exopolysaccaride isolated from Nostoc Muscorum or the addition of a cyanobacterial mass proliferation were evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. By day 180 exopolysaccharide increased soluble C by 100%, microbial activity by 366% and the amount of water-stable aggregates larger than 250μm by 12 times. Inoculation with living cyanobacterial mass increased at the end of 365 oxidizable C by 11%, soluble C by 66%, microbial activity by 73% and aggregates larger than 250 μm by66%. A slimy film 3–5 mm thick, with N. Muscorum predominating, covered all the surface of inoculated soils. The higher soil aggregate stability produced by both treatments is a consequence of increased microbial activity and concentrating the soil polysaccharide. The high percentage of clays favours the creation of firm and long-lasting slime-mineral joints. Addition of isolated exopolysaccharide produces a faster and higher increase in soil aggregate stability than cyanobacterial mass inoculation.
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