On the blood sugar in Clarias lazera C. et V.

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie - Tập 41 - Trang 26-34 - 1958
A. E. I. Al-Gauhari1
1Dept. of Zoology, Fac. of Science, Aim Shams University, Cairo

Tóm tắt

The “normal” blood sugar of Clarias lazera was determined and found to have an almost constant value. Whereas starvation hardly affected the blood sugar level, after feeding the blood sugar increases considerably, due to a rise in true glucose. The highest values were found at a time when digestion of the ingested food was almost completed. In animals kept out of water for more than one hour the blood sugar was found considerably higher than in normal fishes. After return to the water, the blood sugar regained its original level after 26 hours. The hypoglycaemia after insulin injections was found to be mild, slow to appear and to subside rather quickly.

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