A framework to integrate speech based interface for blind web users on the websites of public interest

Prabhat Verma1, Raghuraj Singh1, Avinash Kumar Singh1
1Computer Science and Engineering Department, Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, India

Tóm tắt

Despite many assistive tools available for browsing the web, blind persons are not able to perform the tasks using internet that are done by persons without such disability. Even the futuristic social networking sites and other websites using the features of web 2.0 indicate a lesser accessible/responsible web. In this paper, we propose a framework, which can be used by the websites of public interest to make their important utilities better accessible and usable to blind web users. The approach is based on providing an alternate access system on the fly using one single website. The framework makes use of existing technologies like JavaScript, available speech APIs etc. and therefore provides a lightweight and robust solution to the accessibility problem. As a case study, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework by showing its working on a key functionality of the Indian Railways Reservation Website.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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