Setting minimum head capsule abundance and taxa deletion criteria in chironomid-based inference models
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Criteria for removing training set lakes and taxa in chironomid‐based inference models, due to low abundances, have largely been ad hoc. We used an anoxia inference model and a hypolimnetic oxygen model from south‐central Ontario to determine what effect subfossil head capsule abundance and taxa deletion criteria have on fossil inference statistics. Results from six training set lakes suggest that a minimum abundance of 40–50 head capsules is sufficient for use in inference models, however more diverse samples likely require more than 50 head capsules. Taxa deletion criteria substantially improved the predictive ability of inference models (lowered the root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP)). The common practice of including taxa with only ≥ 2% abundance in at least two lakes was one of the deletion criteria that much improved inference models. Similar deletion criteria, such as ≥ 2% in at least 3 lakes and ≥ 3% in at least 1 lake, produced comparable improvements (up to 18% reduction in RMSEP).
Tài liệu tham khảo
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