Sedimentary cover determination and structural architecture from gravity data: East of Suez Area, Sinai, Egypt
Tóm tắt
Potential field data have many applications in structural mapping, mineral exploration, sedimentary cover determination, and searching for groundwater and hydrocarbons in areas like Sinai, Egypt. Consequently, gravity data of the area of study were interpreted to map the basement surface and to detect the geologic structures controlling the area of study. In this study, gravity data were separated into its components (regional and residual). The deep and shallow structures affecting the East of Suez area were detected and statistically analyzed using rose diagram. The thickness of the sediments and basement surface were detected from Analytical Signal (AS) technique. The WNW (Najd fault system), NW (Gulf of Suez trend), and NNE (Gulf of Aqaba trend) were the predominant and oldest structural regimes affecting the East of Suez area. Comparing our results with the previous studies shows that favored flow pathways for groundwater are along the NW and NNE directions. The thickness of the sediment varied from 233 to 5389 m. The central parts of the study area were of suitable thickness for the accumulation of groundwater and hydrocarbons. The results of our study reflect that the gravity data can be used as an initial stage in detecting potential areas for hydrocarbons and groundwater.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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