Assessment of groundwater potential using geophysical data: a case study in parts of Cross River State, south-eastern Nigeria
Tóm tắt
Groundwater potential of some parts of Cross River State, Nigeria, was assessed involving vertical electrical sounding (VES) and high-resolution aeromagnetic methods (HRAM). The VES and HRAM dataset were used to delineate the hydro-lithostratigraphic units and map the spatial distributions of geologic structures, respectively. The electro-stratigraphic sections revealed the various hydro-lithostratigraphic units composed of fractured/weathered crystalline basement, sandstones, siltstones, sandy shales, and highly baked and fractured shales occurring at different depths. Generally, the unsaturated top layer is composed of shales, marl, clay, silt, gravel and lateritic materials with resistivity ranging from ~ 3.0 to ~ 550 Ω m. This layer is underlain by various aquifer units like sandstones, siltstones, fractured shales and limestone/marl, and fractured/weathered basement occurring at different depths (~ 30 to ≤ 100 m) as revealed by the electro-stratigraphic sections obtained in the study area. In the Calabar Flank (CF), Oban Massif (OM) and Ikom-Mamfe Embayment (IME), the apparent resistivity for these hydro-lithostratigraphic units varied between ~ 8.50 and ~ 59.50 Ω m, ~ 120.2 and ~ 1562.6 Ω m and ~ 30.8 and ~ 277.2 Ω m, respectively. The enhanced total magnetic intensity maps and source parameter imaging result showed that the OM and IME are characterized by high concentration of short-wavelength anomalies, while the CF is dominated by relatively undisturbed thick sedimentation (~ 6217 m). HRAM results show that such areas are predominated by geologic structures like faults, fractures, fissure, dyke swamps, etc. caused by tectonics. Such geologic structures create secondary porosity and enhance permeability. From all the results obtained, OM and IME represent areas with moderate groundwater potential. The CF dominated by argillites with no significant tectonic activity is observed to have low groundwater potential.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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