Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) revisited. Suggestions for the development of an enhanced general food motivation model

Appetite - Tập 52 - Trang 199 - 2009
Fotopoulos Christos, Krystallis Athanasios, Pagiaslis Anastasios, Vassallo Marco

Tóm tắt

Recognising the need for a more statistically robust instrument to investigate general food selection determinants, the research validates and confirms Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ’s) factorial design, develops ad hoc a more robust FCQ version and tests its ability to discriminate between consumer segments in terms of the importance they assign to the FCQ motivational factors. The original FCQ appears to represent a comprehensive and reliable research instrument. However, the empirical data do not support the robustness of its 9-factorial design. On the other hand, segmentation results at the subpopulation level based on the enhanced FCQ version bring about an optimistic message for the FCQ’s ability to predict food selection behaviour. The paper concludes that some of the basic components of the original FCQ can be used as a basis for a new general food motivation typology. The development of such a new instrument, with fewer, of higher abstraction FCQ-based dimensions and fewer items per dimension, is a right step forward; yet such a step should be theory-driven, while a rigorous statistical testing across and within population would be necessary.

Từ khóa

#New food motivation typology #Confirmatory factor analysis #Cluster analysis