Steady-State Upscaling

Transport in Porous Media - Tập 41 - Trang 245-262 - 2000
S. Ekrann1, J. O. Aasen2
1Aker Geo Petroleum Services, Stavanger, Norway
2Statoil, Postuttak, Trondheim, Norway

Tóm tắt

Steady-state upscaling is based on steady-state solutions to the two-phase flow equations. We study features of steady-state solutions, and the applicability of upscaled flow functions based thereon in transient situations. Also, efficient computation of steady-state solutions is addressed: The existence of a class of problems is proved, where two-phase streamlines (in the viscous limit) are identical to streamlines in the corresponding one-phase problem.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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