A Late-Pleistocene pollen sequence from the Jammertal, south-western Germany with particular reference to location and altitude as factors determining Eemian forest composition
Tóm tắt
Pollen analytical data from a 23-m core taken in the Jammertal subglacial basin, near Biberach an der Riss, has given a continuous sequence from the Rissian late-glacial to the beginning of the Mid-Würmian. The Eemian interglacial is completely preserved and with a high temporal resolution. Two interstadials, Stafflangen I and II, are recognised in the Lower Würmian. These two woodlands were dominant byPinus andPicea and there was a small but significant (up to 12%) component of thermophilous deciduous tree pollen. Stafflangen I and II are correlated with St. Germain I and II as known from Grande Pile. The north-eastern areal boundary of thermophilous deciduous trees lies between Jammertal and Grande Pile. Furthermore, it was possible for the first time to define and describe altitudinal zonation in Eemian vegetation. During the Eemian, the altitudinal boundary of shade-tolerant deciduous trees (Carpinus, Abies andPicea) lay at ca. 625 m in Upper Swabia and the Swiss Alpine foreland, and at ca. 560 m in Upper Bavaria to the east. The sites, which were dominated byCarpinus occur below this limit whereasAbies orPicea show a preference for habitats at higher altitudes.
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