Identification of a small set of genes commonly regulated in rice roots in response to beneficial rhizobacteria

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Tập 26 - Trang 2537-2551 - 2020
Marine Valette1, Marjolaine Rey1, Jeanne Doré1, Florence Gerin1, Florence Wisniewski-Dyé1
1Ecologie Microbienne, CNRS UMR-5557, INRAe UMR-1418, VetAgroSup, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon1, Villeurbanne, France

Tóm tắt

Rhizosphere bacteria, whether phytopathogenic or phytobeneficial, are thought to be perceived by the plant as a threat. Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), such as many strains of the Azospirillum genus known as the main phytostimulator of cereals, cooperate with host plants and favorably affect their growth and health. An earlier study of rice root transcriptome, undertaken with two rice cultivars and two Azospirillum strains, revealed a strain-dependent response during the rice-Azospirillum association and showed that only a few genes, including some implicated in plant defense, were commonly regulated in all tested conditions. Here, a set of genes was selected from previous studies and their expression was monitored by qRT-PCR in rice roots inoculated with ten PGPR strains isolated from various plants and belonging to various genera (Azospirillum, Herbaspirillum, Paraburkholderia). A common expression pattern was highlighted for four genes that are proposed to be markers of the rice-PGPR interaction: two genes involved in diterpenoid phytoalexin biosynthesis (OsDXS3 and OsDTC2) and one coding for an uncharacterized protein (Os02g0582900) were significantly induced by PGPR whereas one defense-related gene encoding a pathogenesis-related protein (PR1b, Os01g0382000) was significantly repressed. Interestingly, exposure to a rice bacterial pathogen also triggered the expression of OsDXS3 while the expression of Os02g0582900 and PR1b was down-regulated, suggesting that these genes might play a key role in rice-bacteria interactions. Integration of these results with previous data led us to propose that the jasmonic acid signaling pathway might be triggered in rice roots upon inoculation with PGPR.

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