Temporal shifts in physical habitat of the crayfish, Orconectes neglectus (Faxon)
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A total of 300 samples was collected from February 1985 to August 1986 in a medium order Ozark Mountain stream. Physical habitat measurements of temperature, mean water column velocity, depth, and substrate character were recorded for each of the 25 monthly samples along with length and sex of all individuals of Orconectes neglectus (Faxon). Analysis of habitat utilization and suitability (or preference) was conducted using exponential polynomial models of hydraulic stress models. There appeared to be equal preference for depth over the range measured. Both substrate and velocity preference curves were bimodal with each mode designating certain crayfish size classes. Young-of-the-year were found primarily in cobbled, high velocity areas while adults were found in low velocity, macrophyte beds. Utilization curves for laminar sublayer thichness also reflected size-dependent phenomena where young-of-the-year were found in thin sublayer areas and adults were found primarily in thick sublayers. When separated by time and size, adults were found to occupy higher velocity, cobbled habitats during at least two months. This time period corresponded with the time of egg-bearing and further analysis yielded a time-dependent habitat suitability surface which accounted for this movement pattern. We suggest that the application of these suitability surfaces, which reflect habitat changes during the annual life cycle, will produce more accurate predictions of density and will allow better habitat management decisions under various regulated flow scenarios.
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