Survey of Water‐Extractable Phosphorus in Livestock Manures

Soil Science Society of America Journal - Tập 69 Số 3 - Trang 701-708 - 2005
Peter J. A. Kleinman1, Ann Marie Wolf2, Andrew N. Sharpley1, D. B. Beegle3, Lou S. Saporito1
1USDA-ARS; Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit; Curtin Road University Park PA 16802
2Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory; The Pennsylvania State University; University Park PA 16802
3Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences The Pennsylvania State University University Park PA 16802

Tóm tắt

Water‐extractable P (WEP) in manure is increasingly used as an environmental indicator as it is correlated with P in runoff from soils recently amended with manure. Little information exists on WEP variability across livestock manures. A survey of 140 livestock manures was conducted to assess trends in WEP (dry weight equivalent) related to livestock types and manure storage. Manure WEP ranged widely (0.2–16.8 g kg−1), with swine (Sus scrofa domestica L.) having the highest average concentrations (9.2 g kg−1), followed by turkey (Melleagris gallopavo) (6.3 g kg−1), layer chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) (4.9 g kg−1), dairy cattle (Bos taurus) (4.0 g kg−1), broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) (3.2 g kg−1), and beef cattle (Bos taurus) (2.3 g kg−1). Manure WEP also differed by general storage system; dry manures contained significantly lower WEP concentrations (3.9 g kg−1) than manure from liquid storage systems (5.4 g kg−1). Within liquid storages, no significant differences in WEP were observed between covered and uncovered storages or between bottom‐loaded and top‐loaded storages. Dry‐matter (DM) content of manure was weakly correlated to WEP across all manures (r = −0.44), but strongly correlated with WEP in liquid swine manure (r = −0.87) and dairy manure (r = −0.72), suggesting dissolution of phosphate compounds as manure solids are diluted in storage. Varying positive correlations were observed between WEP in manure and water‐extractable Ca, Mg, and Fe, or total P, depending on livestock category. Results of this study show that livestock manure can be categorized by WEP, a key step toward differential weighting of agricultural P sources in P site assessment indices.

Từ khóa

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