See globally, spike locally: oscillations in a retinal model encode large visual features
Tóm tắt
We show that coherent oscillations among neighboring ganglion cells in a retinal model encode global topological properties, such as size, that cannot be deduced unambiguously from their local, time-averaged firing rates. Whereas ganglion cells may fire similar numbers of spikes in response to both small and large spots, only large spots evoke coherent high frequency oscillations, potentially allowing downstream neurons to infer global stimulus properties from their local afferents. To determine whether such information might be extracted over physiologically realistic spatial and temporal scales, we analyzed artificial spike trains whose oscillatory correlations were similar to those measured experimentally. Oscillatory power in the upper gamma band, extracted on single-trials from multi-unit spike trains, supported good to excellent size discrimination between small and large spots, with performance improving as the number of cells and/or duration of the analysis window was increased. By using Poisson distributed spikes to normalize the firing rate across stimulus conditions, we further found that coincidence detection, or synchrony, yielded substantially poorer performance on identical size discrimination tasks. To determine whether size encoding depended on contiguity independent of object shape, we examined the total oscillatory activity across the entire model retina in response to random binary images. As the ON-pixel probability crossed the percolation threshold, which marks the sudden emergence of large connected clusters, the total gamma-band activity exhibited a sharp transition, a phenomena that may be experimentally observable. Finally, a reanalysis of previously published oscillatory responses from cat ganglion cells revealed size encoding consistent with that predicted by the retinal model.
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