Nanopesticides: Opportunities in Crop Protection and Associated Environmental Risks

Shailesh Pandey1, Krishna Giri1, Rajesh Kumar1, Gaurav Mishra1, R. Raja Rishi2
1Rain Forest Research Institute, Deovan, Jorhat, India
2Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bengaluru, India

Tóm tắt

The last decade has witnessed significant progress in nanotechnology and its application in diverse fields. This growing interest has also been intensified in agriculture sector, which is evident from the publication of interesting scientific articles and lodging of patent applications, showing the relevance of nanotechnology in sustainable crop production. Crop losses due to plant pathogens, insects and weeds are a considerable challenge that the current agricultural production system faces worldwide. This article depicts the use of nanoparticles that paves the way for developing novel crop protection products in near future. Owing to the fact that nanoparticles have been used in many economically important applications, it is highly desirable to ascertain the possible deleterious effects as well. Moreover, intentional application of nanoparticle-based pesticides and fertilizers is an issue of great concern, as it may pose serious hazards. From this perspective, the authors discussed the recent research aimed at defining effects of nanoparticles on various environments and  human health.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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