Closing the Gap: Increases in Life Expectancy among Treated HIV-Positive Individuals in the United States and Canada

PLoS ONE - Tập 8 Số 12 - Trang e81355
Hasina Samji1, Angela Cescon1, Robert S. Hogg2,1, Sharada P. Modur3, Keri N. Althoff3, Kate Buchacz4, Ann N. Burchell5, Mardge H. Cohen6, Kelly A. Gebo3, M. John Gill7, Amy C. Justice8, Gregory D. Kirk3, Marina B. Klein9, P. Todd Korthuis10, Jeff Martin11, Sonia Napravnik12, Sean B. Rourke5, Timothy R. Sterling13, Michael J. Silverberg14, Steven G. Deeks11, Lisa P. Jacobson3, Ronald J. Bosch15, Mari M. Kitahata16, James J. Goedert17, Richard D. Moore3, Stephen J. Gange3
1, University of British Columbia
2Simon Fraser University
3Johns Hopkins University
4Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
5Ontario HIV Treatment Network
6Bureau of Health Services of Cook County
7University of Calgary
8Yale University
9McGill University
10Oregon Health and Science University
11University of California at San Francisco
12University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
13Vanderbilt University
14Kaiser Permanente
15Harvard University
16University of Washington

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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