Environmental contamination by heavy metals and associated human health risk assessment: a case study of surface water in Gomti River Basin, India
Tóm tắt
The aim of the present study was to assess the status of heavy metal contamination and health risks associated with the use of water from River Gomti by millions of people. The value of the degree of contamination (Cd) was found to be ‘11.93’, signifying ‘high’ risk levels due to heavy metal contamination in River Gomti across an approximate stretch of 61 km including upstream, midstream, and downstream locations of Lucknow city. The potential sources of heavy metal pollution in River Gomti include both sewage and industrial effluents, being transported by drains which overflow into the river. The heavy metals were found to have low mobility owing to the ‘near neutral’ pH of river water. The findings from the human health risk assessment revealed that the hazard index associated with non-carcinogenic risks exceeded the permissible limits at all sampling stations. The highest health risk was found at Bharwara sewage treatment plant discharge point, downstream of Lucknow city signifying the elevated levels of heavy metal in the river water post treatment from Bharwara STP. The results of carcinogenic risk assessment suggested that children were more susceptible to health risks, and immediate remedial measures are required to control the elevated levels of heavy metals at all the sampling stations.
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