Verification of the shallow seismic crustal structure of the western Krušné Hory crystalline unit, Czech Republic
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We analyze refraction measurements along a short profile in western Krušné hory crystalline unit. The profile passed close to the seismically active zone of Nový Kostel. The measurements were carried out to distances of about 15 km using quarry blasts near the village of Horní Rozmyšl, located at the eastern margin of the crystalline unit. Smoothed P-wave travel times were interpreted using the Wiechert-Herglotz method, which yielded a 1-D velocity model of the shallow crustal structure of the crystalline unit down to a depth of 1.7 km. The P-wave velocity of the model increases from about 4.0 km/s at the surface to 5.9 km/s at a depth of 1.7 km. The superficial velocities of our model are somewhat higher than the superficial velocities of the model that is routinely used for earthquake location in the region.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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