Treatment of high strength organic wastewater by a mixed culture of photosynthetic microorganisms
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The growth characteristics and nutrient removal fromsynthetic wastewater by Rhodobacter sphaeroides,Chlorella sorokiniana and Spirulinaplatensis were investigated under aerobic dark(heterotrophic) and aerobic light (photoheterotrophic)conditions. Both in terms of economy and efficiency,aerobic dark conditions were the best for wastewatertreatment using R. sphaeroides and C.sorokiniana, but light was necessary with S.platensis. Neither growth nor nutrient removalcharacteristics of the cells were affected insynthetic wastewater with as high as 10 000 ppmacetate, 1000 ppm propionate, 700 ppm nitrate and 100 ppmphosphate. Although R. sphaeroides and C. sorokiniana showed good growth in syntheticwastewater containing 400 ppm of ammonia, S.platensis was completely inhibited.When grown as a monoculture, none of thestrains could simultaneously remove acetate,propionate, ammonia, nitrate and phosphate from thewastewater. R. sphaeroides could remove allthe above nutrients except nitrate, but the rate of removal was relatively low. The rate of nutrientsremoval by C. sorokiniana was higher, but theorganism could not remove propionate; S.platensis could efficiently remove nitrate, ammoniaand phosphate, but none of the organic acids. A mixedculture of R. sphaeroides and C.sorokiniana was therefore used for simultaneousremoval of organic acids, nitrate, ammonia andphosphate. The optimum ratio of the cells depended onthe composition of the wastewater.
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