Durability enhancement of icephobic fluoropolymer film

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 405-412 - 2016
R. Jafari1, G. Momen1, M. Farzaneh1
1NSERC/Hydro-Quebec/UQAC Industrial Chair on Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment (CIGELE) and Canada Research Chair on Atmospheric Icing Engineering of Power Networks (INGIVRE), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Canada

Tóm tắt

An icephobic and superhydrophobic surface was made by the sputtering of fluoropolymer material (PTFE or Teflon®) on anodized aluminum alloys. The study of this superhydrophobic coating under atmospheric icing conditions showed a 3.5 times reduction of its ice adhesion strength. To evaluate the longevity of such coated surfaces and to assess their potential outdoor applications, their durability was studied after several icing/de-icing cycles. However, these coatings showed weak stability after several icing/de-icing cycles. Plasma argon pretreatment of the anodized aluminum surface was used before sputtering to increase adhesion strength between the anodized aluminum surface and Teflon-like coating. Ice adhesion and contact angle measurements of the pretreated Teflon-like coating indicated clearly that the instability was associated with the low cohesion strength of the Teflon-like film. In order to improve the cohesive strength of the coating, the input power of the discharge was increased during the sputtering process. XPS, SEM, and contact angle analyses showed that an increase in input power renders the Teflon-like coating more stable. The results of ice adhesion measurement showed low variation in ice adhesion strength on such surfaces after 15 icing/de-icing cycles. This coating also showed an excellent stability under UV irradiation and condensation.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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