A new concordant partial AUC and partial c statistic for imbalanced data in the evaluation of machine learning algorithms
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In classification and diagnostic testing, the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) plot and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) describe how an adjustable threshold causes changes in two types of error: false positives and false negatives. Only part of the ROC curve and AUC are informative however when they are used with imbalanced data. Hence, alternatives to the AUC have been proposed, such as the partial AUC and the area under the precision-recall curve. However, these alternatives cannot be as fully interpreted as the AUC, in part because they ignore some information about actual negatives.
We derive and propose a new concordant partial AUC and a new partial
Results show the expected equalities between our new partial measures and the existing whole measures. The example interpretation illustrates the need for our newly derived partial measures.
The concordant partial area under the ROC curve was proposed and unlike previous partial measure alternatives, it maintains the characteristics of the AUC. The first partial c statistic for ROC plots was also proposed as an unbiased interpretation for part of an ROC curve. The expected equalities among and between our newly derived partial measures and their existing full measure counterparts are confirmed. These measures may be used with any data set but this paper focuses on imbalanced data with low prevalence.
Future work with our proposed measures may: demonstrate their value for imbalanced data with high prevalence, compare them to other measures not based on areas; and combine them with other ROC measures and techniques.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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