Nonlocal Equations with Measure Data

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 337 - Trang 1317-1368 - 2015
Tuomo Kuusi1, Giuseppe Mingione2, Yannick Sire3
1Aalto University Institute of Mathematics, Aalto, Finland
2Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy
3Université Aix-Marseille, I2M, Marseille, France

Tóm tắt

We develop an existence, regularity and potential theory for nonlinear integrodifferential equations involving measure data. The nonlocal elliptic operators considered are possibly degenerate and cover the case of the fractional p-Laplacean operator with measurable coefficients. We introduce a natural function class where we solve the Dirichlet problem, and prove basic and optimal nonlinear Wolff potential estimates for solutions. These are the exact analogs of the results valid in the case of local quasilinear degenerate equations established by Boccardo and Gallouët (J Funct Anal 87:149–169, 1989, Partial Differ Equ 17:641–655, 1992) and Kilpeläinen and Malý (Ann Scuola Norm Sup Pisa Cl Sci (IV) 19:591–613, 1992, Acta Math 172:137–161, 1994). As a consequence, we establish a number of results that can be considered as basic building blocks for a nonlocal, nonlinear potential theory: fine properties of solutions, Calderón–Zygmund estimates, continuity and boundedness criteria are established via Wolff potentials. A main tool is the introduction of a global excess functional that allows us to prove a nonlocal analog of the classical theory due to Campanato (Ann Mat Pura Appl (IV) 69:321–381, 1965). Our results cover the case of linear nonlocal equations with measurable coefficients, and the one of the fractional Laplacean, and are new already in such cases.

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