The role of communication and co-operation in the adoption of precision farming
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Research on Precision Farming (PF) relates the adoption of PF primarily to economic incentives as well as farm attributes, whereas social factors are commonly ignored. Therefore, the present study analyses the importance of farmers’ communication and co-operation strategies in the adoption of PF and their relation to farm attributes. Forty-nine qualitative interviews with stakeholders from the agricultural sector were conducted. The survey was based in Germany where most interviews took place and reflected with findings from the Czech Republic, Denmark and Greece. It is revealed that farms differ in their communication strategies depending on farm size. Joint investment in PF was only reported from some regions. It can be assumed that agricultural contractors will be major driving forces behind the adoption of PF over the next 10 years, especially in areas with smaller-sized farms. Agricultural data processing by service providers is seen as a common issue. Concerns regarding potential data misuse, over-regulation and software compatibility were raised.
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