Acoustic Emission Characterization of Failure Modes in GFRP Laminates Under Mode I Delamination

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation - Tập 30 - Trang 213-219 - 2011
V. Arumugam1, S. Sajith1, A. Joseph Stanley2
1Department of Aerospace Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India
2MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India

Tóm tắt

In order to design structural components using composite materials a deep understanding of the material behaviour and its failure mechanisms is necessary. To create a better understanding of the initiation, growth and interaction of the different types of damage, damage monitoring during mechanical loading is very important. To this direction, AE is a powerful non destructive technique for real time monitoring of damage development in materials and structures which has been used successfully for the identification of damage mechanisms in composite structures under quasi static and dynamic-cycle loading. In this present work, pure resin plate and GFRP composite laminates with stacking sequence of [00]6, are fabricated using Hand lay-up method. During the layup a Teflon tape of width 45 mm is kept in the mid plane of the laminate which serves as an initiator for delamination during loading. As per ASTM STD D5528 01 DCB (Double Cantilever Beam) specimens are cut out from the laminates and are subjected to tensile test in the transverse direction along with acoustic emission monitoring. While loading, Markings are made on the sides of the specimen to track the crack front using a magnifying lens. Parametric analysis is performed on the AE data obtained during crack propagation to discriminate the failure modes. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) enabled the calculation of frequency content of each damage mechanism. Further STFFT analysis is performed on a portion of the waveforms representing the dominant frequency content pertaining to each damage mechanism.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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